Slideshow of statistics and quotes from our Research & Case For Support. READ MORE.
We are equal.
We are precious.
We belong.
You’re more than welcome!
We’re so glad you’re here.
We are the Open Table Network (OTN) - a growing partnership of
communities across England & Wales which genuinely welcome and affirm people who are:
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, & Asexual (LGBTQIA)
+ our families, friends & anyone who wants to belong in an accepting, loving community.
We reach out in welcome to LGBTQIA+ people who need us and who are looking for us. We know that organised religion so often turns away from us. Faith groups can often be cold or hostile towards us, and this can leave us truly isolated; just at the very times when we need affirmation of love, worth and belonging.
OTN is run by, and for, LGBTQIA+ people, their friends and families. We welcome people of any faith, colour or background. We welcome people of every gender identity and sexual orientation. We meet, in person and online, hosted by inclusive churches. We find God and each other in our gatherings, and that gives us time and peace to grow together.
Our name, ‘Open Table’ is your open invitation to come in, just as you are, and be with us, in a safe, affirming community.
We are on a journey, and we really hope you join us. There aren’t (yet) enough communities to welcome people across the whole of the UK. But we’re growing steadily. Maybe you can help us grow?
We’re adding to this website all the time. So, have a good look round - and do come back soon!
Our communities:
People talk about the ‘LGBT community’ as if it was a big linked-up bunch of people who are all in touch with one another. But LGBTQIA+ people are no more part of one big, comforting community than a ‘straight community’ would be! LGBTQIA+ people are far more likely to suffer poor mental health as a result of not having a community. This is why OTN exists.
We currently support 37 communities across England & Wales. But there are many more asking to join us. You can search the map below, read more about our communities, or contact us to find out how you might host an Open Table community.
Our events:
FOUR YEARS after the Open Table Network became a charity, on Saturday 15th March we hosted an event for our Patrons and recorded a conversation between them with questions from our members.
FOLLOWING the success of our Q&As with our Patrons in 2020-21 (still available on our YouTube channel), new Patron of the Open Table Network Alex Clare-Young, theologian, writer, campaigner and pioneer minister, was in conversation with OTN Co-Chair Sarah Hobbs in the first of a new series of webinars.
FEBRUARY is LGBT+ History Month, an annual celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and non-binary history. The ‘plus’ sign after LGBT indicates that our identities are more diverse than labels can represent, so all are included. This year, the Methodist Church asked the Director of the Open Table Network to write a prayer which will be shared with churches for the month.
The Open Table Network (OTN) is celebrating a record-breaking fundraising milestone thanks to the Big Give Christmas Challenge. OTN raised an incredible £11,075 in just seven days, exceeding its £10,000 target and doubling the impact each donation will have in 2025.
THANKS to players of People’s Postcode Lottery, OTNhas received a grant from the Postcode Neighbourhood Trust. OTN’s grant of £14,610, equal to one third of the charity’s income in 2023, will enable the charity to open more doors for LGBTQIA+ people in 2025.
WHILE DISCUSSION of sexuality, gender, and faith remains prominent in Christian denominations nationally, rarely does this engagement pay attention to the spaces where sexuality, gender, and faith already co-exist creatively. Now Open Table Network trustee Dr Peter Jones has completed academic research focusing on just that, including Open Table members and communities as a case study.
In November 2020 our former Co-Chair Alex Clare-Young interviewed Anglican priest, poet, writer and broadcaster Rachel Mann as she bacame a patron of our charity. Now Rachel, who became Archdeacon of Bolton and of Salford in 2023, is stepping down as a Patron to focus on her duties as an Archdeacon and her prolific writing career.
WE’RE EXCITED to share that The Open Table Network [OTN] has secured a Charity Champion funder for this year’s Big Give Christmas Challenge, the UK’s biggest match-funding campaign! The Together Fund will match every pound raised from our supporters during the campaign, helping us reach our ambitious £10,000 target. Here's how you can help.
OCTOBER 1st marks the first anniversary of the Director of the Open Table Network taking on the role. Thanks to the charity’s first grant from a national church, Kieran Bohan became the charity’s first Director on this day in 2023. Here's what OTN has achieved this year.
AN ART EXHIBITION which travelled cathedrals and town centre churches for a year ended last month with the donation of the centrepiece painting to the church where Open Table began. Fine artist and theologian Elizabeth Gray King donated 40% of the sales of original artworks and prints which people bought because of this exhibition, to OTN.
THIS YEAR the Open Table Network [OTN] is taking part in The Big Give Christmas Challenge, the UK’s biggest match-funding campaign. The first step is to ask our supporters to become Pledgers, whose promise to give after the campaign ends in December will help OTN to attract match-funding and double the impact of donations made during the campaign.
ATTENDING a church service or Christian event can be hugely daunting for LGBT+ Christians and those exploring faith. The Open Table Network (OTN) is working with the United Reformed Church (URC) to help people create safer sacred spaces for LGBT+ people as part of Greenbelt, an inclusive, affirming Christian festival of artistry, activism and belief.
Our blog:
OUR MOST READ BLOGGER since 2022 is back with the sixth of a series sharing more of her story. This month she reflects on moments of compassion and consolation.. In the Affirmative is a monthly blog from Open Table member Wendy Young who shares her life, thoughts and experience as a queer Christian in Britain.
OUR MOST READ BLOGGER since 2022 is back with the sixth of a series sharing more of her story. This month’s reflection is on how opportunities can come in surprising guises. In the Affirmative is a monthly blog from Open Table member Wendy Young who shares her life, thoughts and experience as a queer Christian in Britain.
IT'S THE WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY. This year marks 1,700 years since the Council of Nicaea, the first ecumenical council of the Christian church. At the heart of many Christian worship services is the Nicene Creed, which begins ‘We believe in one God…’ Reflecting this, the scripture readings chosen for this year focus on belief. OTN Trustee Neil Rees reflects on how we define ourselves by what we believe.
OUR MOST READ BLOGGER since 2022 is back with the fifth of a series sharing more of her story. This month’s reflection is on the excitement of new beginnings.
In the Affirmative is a monthly blog from Open Table member Wendy Young who shares her life, thoughts and experience as a queer Christian in Britain.
ON SUNDAY 15th DECEMBER the first Open Table community in Liverpool hosted the parish and the city’s LGBTQIA+ community for its largest gathering yet! Open Table member Sue Say gave this reflection for her favourite service of the year, inspired by John 1:1-5.
OUR MOST READ BLOGGER since 2022 is back with the fourtj of a series sharing more of her story. This month includes her experience of Christmas past and present. In the Affirmative is a monthly blog from Open Table member Wendy Young who shares her life, thoughts and experience as a queer Christian in Britain.
OUR MOST READ BLOGGER since 2022 is back with the third of a new series sharing more of her story. Content warning: This month includes her experience of sexual and spiritual abuse. In the Affirmative is a monthly blog from Open Table member Wendy Young who shares her life, thoughts and experience as a queer Christian in Britain.
THE ARTIST whose exhibition travelled cathedrals and town centre churches for a year to raise awareness and funds for the Open Table Network shares the inspiration behind this amazing journey. Fine artist and theologian Elizabeth Gray King, also a United Reformed Church minister, donated to OTN 40% of the sales of original artworks and prints which people bought because of this exhibition.
OUR MOST READ BLOGGER since 2022 is back with the second of a new series sharing more of her story, which this month includes her experience of mental distress and suicide. In the Affirmative is a monthly blog from Open Table member Wendy Young. Wendy shares her life, thoughts and experience as a queer Christian living in Britain.
OUR MOST READ BLOGGER since 2022 is back with a new series sharing more of her story. In the Affirmative is a monthly blog from Open Table member Wendy Young. Wendy shares her life, thoughts and experience as a queer Christian living in Britain.
IN MAY 2021 we shared the news that a long-term supporter of Open Table had been recommended for ordination training in The Church of England. Nick Birnie-Campbell, who has supported several Open Table communities in the north-west for many years, was ordained as a priest at Manchester Cathedral on Saturday 29th June 2024. Here Nick shares an update on his journey.
AT THE CLOSE of Pride in Liverpool on Sunday 28th July 2024, Liverpool Cathedral and Open Table collaborated to host a reflective service that brought us together and celebrated the vulnerability and visibility of Pride. Revd Lu Skerrat-Love, ordained at the city’s cathedral in June to serve the parish which hosts the first Open Table community, offered this reflection inspired by the festival’s theme.
TODAY the governing body of the Church of England, General Synod, gathers in York for the next five days. Nic Tall, a founding member of our Open Table Taunton community, and National Co-ordinator of Together for the Church of England, which campaigns to unite those seeking to remove all discrimination in the Church of England, explains how we can support them this weekend.
IN JULY 2015, Open Table began to multiply from one to many communities and become the growing partnership and charity that it is today. Taking inspiration from the title a hymn one of our founding members heard on returning to church after many years, we created a logo for the new Open Table network in 2016 with the slogan ‘Come As You Are’. The hymn-writer, Sister Deirdre Browne, has kindly written this reflection for our anniversary.
A VIGIL in support of same-sex marriage in the Church of England took place last Sunday in Liverpool, in which members from several Open Table communities took part. Revd Cate Jacobs shared this powerful reflection on identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.
FINE ARTIST Elizabeth Gray King is touring with 13 intriguing and affirming canvases, exploring the equality and inclusivity of God’s love. Here’s the reflection from OTN Patron and United Reformed Church General Secretary Revd Dr John Bradbury’s from the launch of the exhibition at the American International Church, London on Sunday 23rd June.
GOD’S LOVE for each of us - and all of us - is at the centre of a painting exhibition which is touring cathedrals and town centre churches. Fine artist and theologian Elizabeth Gray King is showing 13 intriguing and affirming canvases, exploring the equality and inclusivity of God’s love. Here’s Elizabeth’s reflection on the journey so far, and announcing two more destinations by popular demand.
OTN trustee Revd Rose Hill, host of our Open Table community in East Cardiff, attended the premiere of a new short film and shares her reflection on this dramatic tale of hope, perseverance, and religious intolerance a tale that is familiar to many in our communities.
Knock, knock!
No corny joke to follow! Just a door opening, then a voice that greets you in the entrance. What do you hope happens next? Which of the following words would you prefer to hear? asks OTN Secretary Neil Rees.
THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND’s Living in Love and Faith process on identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage has stirred up a lot for many LGBTQIA+ people in the last few years. Warren Hartley reflects on his experience of the process, and a phrase in the debate which reveals a real problem.
AT GENERAL SYNOD, the Church of England's governing body, last month up to eight hours was timetabled for debate on Living in Love and Faith (LLF), its long running project looking at identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.. Gill Ball, a member of the House of Laity from the Diocese of Chelmsford, explains what happened next and where we are now.
ON SUNDAY 3rd March, Bishop of Bradford Rt Revd Toby Howarth led a special celebration of Communion to mark the first birthday of the Open Table Bradford community, the first to meet outside a church as no suitable church venue could be found.
Peter, one of our trustees, recently visited the ‘Open to All’ art exhibition by Elizabeth Gray-King. The exhibition, in association with the Open Table Network, is on a national tour of cathedrals and city centre churches in England and Wales until 21st July 2024.
ON SUNDAY 4th February 2024, Open Table Cambridge hosted a celebratory service to mark the start of LGBT+ History Month. OTN Patron Ven Dr Rachel Mann, Archdeacon of Bolton and Salford in the Church of England Diocese of Manchester shared this powerful message inspired by Mark 1:29-39.
LAST MONTH the Open Table community in Blackheath, south London celebrated six years and met for the last time. Revd Anne Bennett, vicar of the church which hosted the community, and Open Table Network trustee, shares her reflection on the journey.
ON SUNDAY 21st January 2024 Right Reverend Doctor John Perumbalath, Bishop of Liverpool led a celebration of communion at the first Open Table community in the city. He reflected on the story of the first reported miracle of Jesus in John’s gospel [John 2:1-11]
IT'S THE WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY. We recall how Jesus prayed for all who believe in him: 'May they all be one' [John 17:21]. We thank God he didn't say 'one and the same'! We're called to unity not uniformity, so we celebrate our diversity. OTN Trustee Neil Rees reflects on why he believes what he believes.
AT A CAROL SERVICE hosted by the Open Table Salford community, Kieran the OTN Director shared this reflection inspired by the Open To All exhibition, which Sacred Trinity Church, Salford, is hosting throughout December 2023. In particular, he focused on the largest painting in the collection by Revd Elizabeth Gray King, called Nativity.
WHAT DO YOU DO when you can’t find a suitable poem for an Open Table carol service? Why not write one? That’s what Jo Miller, leader of our new Open Table Colchester community did, with her wife Georgina.
GENERAL SYNOD, the Church of England's governing body, met for an extraordinary meeting last month, which largely focused on Living in Love and Faith (LLF), its long running project looking at identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage. Nic Tall, a founding member of our Open Table Taunton community, explains what this means, especially for same-sex couples.
Our news:
Cornerstone Methodist Church in Horsham, West Sussex, is planning to host a Christian worship community that genuinely welcomes and affirms people who are Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer / Questioning, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTQIA+) & allies, as part of the Open Table Network.
FOLLOWING the success of our Q&As in 2020-21 (still available on our YouTube channel), Open Table Network Co-Chair Sarah Hobbs will be in conversation with OTN Director Kieran Bohan.
Our impact:

We’re helping to create safer spaces where LGBTQIA+ people can find peace, acceptance and welcome. People who belong to an Open Table community say it improves their mental health, and gives them confidence and hope.
Our podcast:
‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month Revd Jayne Taylor reflects on her experience of the diversity of gender beyond the male/female binary.
‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month, Sarah Jones wonders how we can honour who God has created us to be.
‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month, former OTN trustee and Open Table community leader Revd Anne Bennett reflects on her experience of discovering a new meaning in an old story.
‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month, OTN trustee Carol Joyner reflects on her experience of finding consolation in the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd.
DO YOU ever feel not good enough for what you feel called and gifted to do?
This month, Richard Bibby-Brooke, an Open Table Wirral member, reflects powerfully on how God called him to serve, to love and be loved, despite Richard feeling he wasn’t good enough.
‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month we hear from OTN Co-Chair Sarah Hobbs, on what it means to be truly authentic with God.
‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month we hear from OTN trustee Neil Rees, on revisiting Scripture to find its message of radical inclusion.
‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month we hear from OTN trustee Peter Jones, on the barriers we face, and how we can come together to make a difference.
‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month we hear from Wendy Young, who came out as a lesbian 30 years ago, yet only walked in her first Pride march just last month.
‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. OTN Trustee Roo Stewart introduces the series here, and shares his contribution to inspire us to add our own to the series.
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FEBRUARY is LGBT+ History Month,an annual celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and non-binary history. The Methodist Church in Britain has published resources for LGBT+ History Month since 2022. This year they asked the Director of the Open Table Network to share the story of how Open Table began and has grown from one to many communities.