Creating Sanctuary: Trans safeguarding in practice - A helpful new resource from OTN Co-Chair Alex Clare-Young
The cover of the latest Creating Sanctuary resource from Creating Sanctuary
OTN CO-CHAIR Alex Clare-Young has created a resource to help Christian churches and organisations to consider trans and non-binary identities in their safeguarding policy and practice.
The resource, called Trans Safeguarding in Practice: Resourcing churches and Christian organisations to consider trans and non-binary identities in safeguarding policy and practice, has been peer-reviewed by safeguarding experts.
It can be used as a written best-practice guide, or can provide an outline for a six session course which will help participants gain a greater understanding of the evolving issues and language relating to this important topic.
Alex has produced this resource with Creating Sanctuary, a collaborative project supported by many individuals and organisations who are committed to ensuring that our churches are safe places; defined by the inclusive love of God.
Earlier Creating Sanctuary resources focused on support for lesbian, gay and bisexual people in our churches. Now trans and non-binary people are leading the design of further trans and non-binary specific Creating Sanctuary resources, recognizing that both the experiences and the needs of transgender and non-binary siblings are often different.
Trans Safeguarding in Practice is the first of these new releases, explicitly designed to respond to the questions from many churches about how our trans and non-binary siblings can best be safeguarded in church environments. These resources will be completed by September 2021.