“No good thing will God withhold from those who walk with integrity”
Revd Cate Jacobs, celebrating her ordination as a deacon in July 2022. She was ordained priest at Liverpool Cathedral on 10th June 2023.
THE FIRST Open Table community in Liverpool invites YOU to our fifteenth birthday celebration and communion service.
YOU are more than welcome to come as you are.
In June 2008, six people gathered at the first Open Table service with a vision to start a regular communion service for the LGBTQIA+ community. On the cover of the early orders of service was the quote from Psalm 84 from which this celebration takes inspiration.
The cover of an order of service from an early Open Table communion celebration in 2008, featuring the words of Psalm 84:11: ‘No good thing will God withhold from those who walk with integrity.’
15 years later, the Liverpool community hosts around 50 people each month, and more than 30 other communities now meet across England and Wales, hosting hundreds more each month, and reaching thousands online.
We have much to celebrate!
Join us for a celebration and thanksgiving communion service led by Revd Cate Jacobs, who was ordained priest at Liverpool Cathedral on 10th June 2023. Cate has been a member of the Open Table Liverpool community since the early days, and supported the relaunch of the community in St Helens in 2021. Cate is also a poet, spiritual director, mother, grandmother, and author of Climbing Mountains in the Dark, which evokes her experience of living with HIV. She also preached at Open Table Liverpool’s tenth birthday communion service in 2018.
Doors open at 6pm - refreshments will be served before the service at 6.30pm. The service will be followed by refreshments, and of course rainbow cake!
If you can’t join us in Liverpool, you can also join us on Zoom. For details, please email liverpool@opentable.lgbt