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This is where you can explore ideas from individuals who care about LGBTQIA+ people, faith and current affairs.

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The OTN blog is now third in the FeedSpot Top 15 Best Christian LGBTQ Blogs And Websites 'ranked by traffic, social media followers & freshness' in July 2023.

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Podcast Open Table Network Podcast Open Table Network

This is my story: Made to shine

‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month, Sarah Jones wonders how we can honour who God has created us to be.

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Podcast Open Table Network Podcast Open Table Network

This is my story: Finding I was lost

‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month, former OTN trustee and Open Table community leader Revd Anne Bennett reflects on her experience of discovering a new meaning in an old story.

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Podcast Open Table Network Podcast Open Table Network

This is my story: Life to the full

‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month, OTN trustee Carol Joyner reflects on her experience of finding consolation in the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd.

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Podcast Open Table Network Podcast Open Table Network

This is my story: Becoming perfect

‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month, Alan Harbottle reflects on his search for Christian perfection and how he has learned to trust that he is good enough.

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Podcast Open Table Network Podcast Open Table Network

This is my story: God’s good gifts

‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month we hear from OTN Co-Chair Sarah Hobbs, on what it means to be truly authentic with God.

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Podcast Open Table Network Podcast Open Table Network

This is my story - More like Jesus

‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month we hear from OTN trustee Neil Rees, on revisiting Scripture to find its message of radical inclusion.

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Podcast Open Table Network Podcast Open Table Network

This is my story - Bear with...

‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month we hear from OTN trustee Peter Jones, on the barriers we face, and how we can come together to make a difference.

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Podcast Open Table Network Podcast Open Table Network

This is my story - God rejoices over you

‘This is my story’ is an occasional series of short devotions, based around the Bible, the experiences of Open Table members, reflection and prayer. This month we hear from Wendy Young, who came out as a lesbian 30 years ago, yet only walked in her first Pride march just last month.

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