BBC Local Radio interviews OTN Coordinator for Pride Month & Methodist Conference
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THIS SUNDAY 27th June, OTN Coordinator Kieran Bohan will speak to BBC local radio stations about our work with LGBTQIA+ Christians and how it makes a difference.
Between 7am and 9am, Kieran will appear on a series of BBC local radio faith programmes for up to 10 minutes each.
The shows are talking about the upcoming vote at the Methodist Conference, the governing body of the Methodist Church in Britain, about whether they’ll agree to allow same-sex weddings to be held in Methodist Churches in Britain.
Rev Sonia Hicks, the new President of the Methodist Conference, will explain why and how they’ve reached this point. The interviewers are likely to ask how significant it would be if the Methodist Church approves this change next week.
We will discuss why the Open Table Network formed, how we work with the churches which host Open Table communities, and why so many people still want to continue with their Christian life, even if they feel churches have treated them badly.
We may also explore whether, in OTN’s experience, we think, as our network expands, that the majority of British churches will start to change direction like the Methodists.
The interview requests follow the publication this week of independent research which shows that our Open Table communities truly support the well-being of LGBTQIA+ Christians who have suffered alienation from churches.
The interviews are taking place on the day before the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, a milestone in the struggle for LGBT+ rights, from which June takes the name Pride Month.
MERSEYSIDE (live - link direct to 6-minute interview clip, available for over a year).
UPDATED 09/08/2021 (to remove links to BBC Sounds which have expired).