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Open Table Bath celebration with OTN Director Kieran Bohan

  • Christ Church Julian Road Bath BA1 2RH United Kingdom (map)

YOU ARE more than welcome to join us on Sunday 9th March for a Communion service and refreshments with the new Open Table community in Bath.

OTN Director Kieran will lead a reflection on the Open Table story.

3.30pm Doors open for refreshments
4pm Communion service

Our Open Table Bath community will meet on the SECOND Sunday of each month from 3.30pm, hosted by Christ Church, Bath.

It is open to LGBTQIA+ people and allies of any Christian tradition, or none.

For more info, email:

You’re #MoreThanWelcome to #ComeAsYouAre.

26 February

Meet our Patrons - Alex Clare-Young and in conversation with OTN Co-Chair Sarah Hobbs

15 March

Meet our Patrons - Webinar