St Beuno’s Rock Chapel stained glass windows designed by Claire Mulholland
A weekend drawing on themes for the season of Advent seeking to affirm and encourage LGBT+ Christians of all traditions in their faith and identity as beloved by God.
There will be time for workshops and sharing, silence, prayer, worship and creativity in beautiful surroundings.
In 2021 it is 30 years since the Jesuits in Britain responded to a call to work more with those who feel marginalised in the church. This included offering a weekend retreat for LGBT+ Christians at Loyola Hall on Merseyside.
The retreat continued there until Loyola Hall closed in 2014. Since then it has been at St Beuno’s Jesuit Spirituality Centre in north Wales.
We invite you to join us for this special weekend of retreat where we’ll explore our true selves in our relationship with God. This retreat is your time to be on holiday with God in the company of others from the LGBT+ Christian community. Our approach will be ecumenical.
We are also very pleased to be able to offer some Spiritual Direction to those who would like it during this weekend. Please ask for this when you book your place, as we need advance notice to allocate directors for this retreat.
The retreat begins at 3pm (bedrooms available from 2pm) on Friday 26th November 2021. Please try to arrive between 2pm and 3pm to have time to settle in. The retreat finishes about 4pm on Sunday 28th November.
Suggested offerings
Simple Room: £150 Standard Room: £184 Ensuite Room: £220
These suggested offerings help St Beuno’s to cover our costs, but no-one should feel excluded for financial reasons, and bursaries are available.
The team
This retreat will be led by Cate, Frank, Kieran and Sarah, representing Quest, which supports LGBT+ Catholics, and the Open Table Network, a partnership of worship communities for LGBT+ Christians, our family, friends & allies.