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Please pray for General Synod - Together for the Church of England

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Nic Tall, National Co-ordinator of Together for the Church of England and member of the Church of England General Synod House of Laity, pictured speaking at Synod in July 2022.

TODAY the governing body of the Church of England, General Synod, gathers in York for the next five days. On the agenda is a debate on the next stages of Living in Love and Faith (LLF), the Church’s process of discernment on identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.

Nic Tall, a founding member of our Open Table Taunton community, and National Co-ordinator of Together for the Church of England, which campaigns to unite those seeking to remove all discrimination in the Church of England, explains how we can support them this weekend.

As a member of General Synod who had been working closely both inside the Synod and externally with various campaign groups, we would value your prayers as we gather, and would encourage you to reflect on the following points before God:

  • That the General Synod will seek unity in God’s will, considering the needs of all in the church and our society.

  • That LGBTQIA+ people will be respected and honoured through the debate.

  • Where there are differences of opinion that these may be explored with kindness, sensitivity, generosity and a real willingness to listen.

  • For God’s love to overcome closed minds and hardness of hearts.

  • That the Church will have greater clarity of direction by the end of the Synod debate.

In the debate the Synod will receive the House of Bishops’ recommendations for the Prayers of Love and Faith to be permitted for use in a stand-alone service. Please pray that the joy this would bring to many would be recognised, even though it falls short of the equality of equal marriage in church.

The debate will also begin looking at permission for clergy to enter a same-sex marriage, which will ultimately be a decision for the House of Bishops to make. A longer process of deliberation is proposed, although the timetable aims for a decision early in 2025. Please pray the debate here will be respectful, and that the House of Bishops will recognise the importance of committing to a clear decision on the timetable proposed.

There will also be discussion of the pastoral support necessary to keep as many as possible within the Church as LLF decisions move towards implementation. Pray that we will find common ground within our shared Christian and Anglican heritage as we explore ways to support one another to be who God calls us to be, while remaining in communion with each other.

Finally, could we ask that you pray for members of General Synod:

  • For the House of Bishops, that they will have unity and clarity of purpose in delivering on votes for greater inclusion already passed in the General Synod.

  • For those who disagree, that they will disagree well.

  • For those who feel marginalised or excluded in the life of the Church, that they will realise that we are all one in Christ.

  • And particularly for the LGBTQIA+ members of Synod, who often have to endure open questioning of their lives, their loves and their faith.

May the doors of our church be wide enough
to welcome all who need love and friendship.
May the doors of our church be narrow enough
to shut out pettiness and pride, envy and enmity.
May its threshold be no stumbling block to young or old.
May it be too high to admit complacency or selfishness.
May this church be, for all who enter,
the doorway to your eternal kingdom
in Jesus Christ our Lord.

- Adapted from Prayers of Love and Faith.

Together for the Church of England has written to the Bishop of Leicester, lead bishop for Living in Love and Faith, outlining their perspective on the process and the upcoming work at General Synod. The letter has been supported by signatories from across the inclusive constituency of the Church of England, including the Co-Chairs of the Open Table Network. You can read the letter here.