The table and the hearts are open - Open Table Bradford's first birthday

The beautiful home-made birthday cake for the Open Table Bradford community

That we can meet in a safe, joyful and reflective space is truly wonderful.

Some of those who gathered for the celebration led by Bishop of Bradford Rt Revd Toby Howarth (right, back row). Click on the image to enlarge.

A YEAR AGO, the Open Table Bradford community began meeting in an LGBT+ community centre, the first to meet outside a church as no suitable church venue could be found.

On Sunday 3rd March this year, Bishop of Bradford Right Revd Toby Howarth led a special celebration of Communion to mark the Open Table Bradford community’s first birthday.

Bishop Toby reflected on Daniel 6:1-23 in the context of the debate at the Church of England’s governing body, General Synod, on prayers of blessing for same-sex relationships. He spoke of good people who say, ‘I have a warm heart, and long to do the right thing about the LGBT+ community and Church, but I can’t go against “the Bible”, “traditional teaching”, “my conscience”, “culture”, “what I’ve been taught to believe” etc.

Bishop Toby shared that the passage from the prophet Daniel is about law, ‘which cannot be revoked or changed, ever’ but ends up hurting people, versus ‘the law of Daniel’s God’, which is much more about relationships and trust. He added that Jesus came not to abolish the law, but to embody it, to fulfil it in terms of a living relationship with God. His filter was about love towards God and therefore towards our neighbour.

Dominic Hall shares his reflection on Open Table Bradford’s birthday celebration:

In a featureless room in a featureless building a group of people meet. We’ve been doing it for a year and we do so with some pride. March marked the first anniversary of the Open Table Bradford community.

It has been a year unlike any other in our faith journeys. For LGBTQIA+ people in Britain, recent years have been rather challenging. That we can meet in a safe, joyful and reflective space is truly wonderful.

At the heart of the service is a meal and we have been treated to some fine fayre from the hands of some talented bakers in the group.

With song, with prayer, with reflection and with hope we look to a future where all tables are open.

So, if you are in Bradford on the first Sunday of the month, come and join us. You’d be more than welcome. Refreshments from 6pm, Communion 6.30pm @ The Equity Centre, 1 Longlands Street, Bradford, BD1 2TP. Refreshments from 6pm, service at 6.30pm.

Open Table Network

Open Table Network (OTN) is a growing partnership of communities across England & Wales which welcome and affirm people who are:

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, & Asexual (LGBTQIA)

+ our families, friends & anyone who wants to belong in an accepting, loving community.

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