Open Table Network

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We came to Iona… A photo story

LAST MONTH, our Co-Chair Alex Clare-Young and their wife Jo, who is also a minister, led a week’s retreat for LGBTQ+ people and allies on Iona, a small island off the west coast of Scotland.

The island is also home to the Iona Community, an international, ecumenical Christian movement working for justice and peace, the rebuilding of community and the renewal of worship.

This week was an opportunity for LGBTQ+ people and allies to exploring our own identities and our work for social justice. There was facilitated conversation, prayer and worship, creative activity, and time to rest and explore the island. The description of the retreat set the intention:

We will work together to create safer spaces for discussion and mutual support. This is a space for rest, regrouping, and reconciliation, given the trauma LGBTQ+ folks and allies experience in the church and the world. It is not a space for debate, but it is a space where we hope to learn from each-other. We will take time to care for ourselves and for each-other, enabling us to return renewed.

On their return from the retreat, Alex compiled this photo story about the week:

We came to Iona seeking a smooth crossing, and we travelled on rough seas. The Creator woven in and through and in between.

We came to Iona carrying heavy bags, and we emptied them out in the company of strangers and friends. The Wild Goose stripping layers off of our emotional clothing.

We came to Iona seeking a gentle path, and we walked a labyrinthine maze. The Child darting chaotically through twists and turns.

We came to Iona hoping to be changed. And perhaps we were. But we also learnt how beautiful and strong and vulnerable and precious we are. The Creator inspecting their handiwork and, indeed, we are good.

We came to Iona seeking beauty and peace.

And what we saw and felt was overflowing with both.

But we also found boreholes and rocky climbs, hoovering and paraffin, conflict and bloody hard work.

The Human in our calloused hands, touch and believe.

Gathered and scattered,

God is with us.

In hard work and bitter tears,

God is with us.

In faith and in doubt,

God is with us.

God is in us.

First published on Alex Clare-Young’s website. Republished with permission.