Beatitudes for a queerer church by Jay Hulme - In celebration of LGBT+ History Month

Award winning trans Christian performance poet, speaker and educator, Jay Hulme.

THIS is a poem by an award winning trans Christian performance poet, speaker and educator, Jay Hulme, from his 2021 book The Backwater Sermons.

Hear Open Table Network Co-Chair Alex Clare-Young, a trans Christian pioneer minister and theologian, read it here [1min].

Hear Open Table Network Co-Chair Alex Clare-Young, a trans Christian pioneer minister and theologian, read it here [1min].

Blessed are the outcasts;
the ostracised, the outsiders.

Blessed are the scared;
the scarred, the silent.

Blessed are the broken;
for they are not broken.

Blessed are the hated;
for they are not worthy of hate.

Blessed are those who try;
those who transform, who transition.

Blessed are the closeted;
God sees you shine anyway.

Blessed are the queers;
who love creation enough to live the truth of it,
despite a world that tells them they cannot.

And blessed are those
who believe themselves unworthy of blessing;
what inconceivable wonders you hold.

This poem was included in the Open Table Network celebration for LGBT+ History Month 2022 which you can watch here [35mins]

Open Table Network

Open Table Network (OTN) is a growing partnership of communities across England & Wales which welcome and affirm people who are:

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, & Asexual (LGBTQIA)

+ our families, friends & anyone who wants to belong in an accepting, loving community.

Climbing up on Sunset Hill - Why art matters in LGBT+ history


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