Is there room? - A poem for Christmas

AT A carol service last Sunday, hosted by the first Open Table community in Liverpool, we heard this poem, which was moving, inspiring and too good not to share.

Is there room?
There rarely is
when people are desperate
and search for shelter.

Is there room?
There seldom is
when people are in danger
and beg for sanctuary.

Is there room?
There never is
when genocide is in the air
and the roads to escape are closed.

Is there room?
Will you open the door
for the child of Bethlehem,
even in the stranger’s clothes?

- John Johansen-Berg

Open Table Network

Open Table Network (OTN) is a growing partnership of communities across England & Wales which welcome and affirm people who are:

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, & Asexual (LGBTQIA)

+ our families, friends & anyone who wants to belong in an accepting, loving community.

'Beyond all the labels, I simply come as I am' - Cate's story


‘Subversive, scandalous, dangerous take-over’ - A reflection on the growth of Open Table