Coming out - A queer Christian poem for Christmas

AT A carol service last Sunday, hosted by the first Open Table community in Liverpool, we heard this poem which was moving, inspiring and too good not to share.

The poem, called Coming Out by Sigrid Rutishauser-James, draws on the image of light in darkness, which was the theme of the whole service:

Come into the light
Be brave
God’s light brings life

Though bright and penetrating
The energy of those laser beams
Makes weak limbs strong
And mute tongues sing.

Stand up!
Take hold of that small pearl of faith
That God has given
And hold on.

So will the judging arrows of your fear-filled friends
Not harm
Though hurt and pain be real
And in bewilderment of storm
Be found rare gifts of peace
And in the wilderness
Enough bread.

This time of year can be tough, especially if being with family means you feel unable to be true to yourself. This Christmas, this New Year, may you know enough light, life, strength, faith and peace to be all that you can be.

Open Table Network

Open Table Network (OTN) is a growing partnership of communities across England & Wales which welcome and affirm people who are:

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, & Asexual (LGBTQIA)

+ our families, friends & anyone who wants to belong in an accepting, loving community.

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